Orzo Pasta Salad

Sorry for the long, loooooong, way toooo long pause; life was just a little crazy and being one person I simply couldn’t keep up with every.single.thing at once! (I know plenty of others out there are nodding their heads and completely get it) I am so very excited to be back and have plenty of yummy food to start sharing!!!

We are now WELL into sweet summertime and summer calls for cool, refreshing, and fresh foods…..I mean all year calls for those things, but it’s so easy in summer with gardens busting at the seams! The above mentioned things summer needs are definitely the things this orzo pasta salad brings to the table! It’s perfect as a side for a BBQ, or throw some grilled chicken on top and have it alone as lunch/dinner, OR as a side with lamb skewers on naan bread (I have those recipes to share coming soon) like we did! Well, over the years we have eaten this salad with allllll of the above and more! It’s a tasty favorite….

Orzo Pasta Salad Recipe:

  • 1 lb package orzo pasta

  • 2/3 cup red wine vinegar

  • 1 cup olive oil

  • 1/4 cup spicy brown mustard

  • 2 tablespoons honey

  • 1 teaspoon salt

  • 1 teaspoon pepper

  • 2 cups cherry tomatoes, sliced in half

  • 2 cups sliced cucumber

  • 1/2 cup diced onion (red or white)

  • 3 tablespoons fresh dill, chopped

  1. Bring a large pot of water (with about 1/2 teaspoon salt) to a boil

  2. While waiting for water to come to a boil mix the “salad dressing” red wine vinegar, olive oil, brown mustard, honey, salt, and pepper in a large bowl (you will add cooked orzo and remaining ingredients to this bowl as well); stir until combined

  3. Slice cherry tomatoes in half until you have 2 cups, slice cucumber (I like to cut into quarters so they are small bite size triangle pieces) until you have 2 cups, dice 1/2 cup onion, and chop dill; set aside

  4. Cook orzo pasta according to package; about 8-9 minutes

  5. Use a colander to drain cooked orzo, transfer drained orzo to bowl with salad dressing

  6. Add chopped tomatoes, cucumber, onion, and dill to orzo; mix until combined

  7. Refrigerate orzo pasta salad until cold; at least a few hours or overnight

*optional- you can stir feta cheese into the orzo pasta salad once cool if you would like......I have a few who aren’t feta fans so I went feta-less this time


Garlic Naan Bread


Spinach Dip