Sometimes life has bigger plans for us than we have for ourselves!

Cooking and baking have always been near and dear to my heart for as long as I can remember, but I never really knew just how big of a blessing those skills in the kitchen were going to be to my life. See the little spitfire girl laughing right there front and center in our family photo? Yep, that’s the one! She didn’t have an easy start to life, but that difficult start got more complicated when she was about 1.5 years old. She started having, well for the sake of everyone involved, let’s just call it “stomach complications.” After countless Dr. visits, emergency room trips, (a move half way across the country with a toddler with explosive diarrhea), appointments with pediatric specialists, and procedures that no small child should have to go through I was STILL left with ZERO answers and a very traumatized little girl. I promised her then and there that I would do what the drs couldn’t, come hell or high water, I would figure out what was wrong and fix it. I was a mom on a mission, putting that hard headed stubbornness to good use, I did in fact figure out the problem! Her body isn’t able to process refined/processed sugar. Soooo, we finally had a starting point! Everything that had any processed/refined sugar in it was banished from our house. I have always cooked from scratch so it wasn’t a complete nightmare; but it did open our eyes to how much unnecessary sugar is added to products that you wouldn’t expect to find it in. I LOVED baking with my Mom and Granny growing up, and there was no way my kids were going to miss out on those special childhood memories in the kitchen. I set out to create recipes that were sweetened only with honey so we could continue enjoying our favorite treats, family traditions, and memory making! That was all over 5 years ago……..without those struggles we wouldn’t be eating or living the way we do now; and as hard as those times were, I am forever grateful for all of it!! My little spitfire flip-turned our world in all of the best ways and inspired all of this!